Monday, June 12, 2006

The First Step

It's been a long time since my first post; well, I was busy running! On Saturday, 10th June, I completed my first "long run" for the marathon training. It was a lot of fun, with a lot of promising training sessions to follow.

I ran 5 miles the very first day! And it was a great 5 miles at that. I had started off with the intention of doing 4 miles (we were given a choice of 2, 4, or 6 miles). Here's the originally planned 4 mile route that we were supposed to run. However, our group took a left when joining the Steven's Creek trail from Whisman Park, instead of a right, and eventually ended up running 1 mile extra.

Surprisingly, none of us felt the burden of the additional mile. The beauty of running with such a huge group is that you are bound to find someone who runs at exactly the same pace as you, no matter how fast or slow you are. Sure enough, I found a couple of ladies who ran with me for all the 5 miles of the trail. We were chatting all the way, and before we realized it, we were done with the loop!

Honestly speaking, one of the ladies- a mentor in TNT, and who must be in her 50s, and who has run one marathon and three half marathons- was doing most of the talking. I was amazed at her fitness level. Here I was, trying to catch my breath between the running and the little talking that I was doing, and she seemed so much more at ease. I really wish that when I am her age, I can be as fit as her.

The next long run will be a 6 mile run. I will write in more detail about the training schedule that we are supposed to follow until the marathon, in future posts.


Blogger Aditya said...

i always wonder how do folks manage to talk or chat during a run ? doesnt it actually impede the performance?

Monday, June 19, 2006 6:50:00 AM  
Blogger Pradnya said...

I guess these experienced people are just quite comfortable with talking while running. I am not all that used to it, but I can manage to keep a conversation going. About performance- at least during the long runs, since timing is not that very important, I guess people are okay with talking. Once we start the tempo runs, we might see less of the talking.

Monday, June 19, 2006 11:39:00 PM  
Blogger nupur said...

*gulp* 5 miles!!! I still have to get to the 1.5 mile mark on the treadmill.!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:43:00 PM  
Blogger Pradnya said...

thedq, I am sure if you persist and keep pushing yourself to do more and more, you will get there!

Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right pradnya, you should definitely talk during the long runs ... that also indicates that you are running at a comfortable enough pace and not overstraining and risking injury ... for tempo and speed runs, you are probably running at 90% of max effort so most folks don't spend the effort to talk.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:41:00 AM  

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